Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So today was pretty good. I had a great morning playing with DD and watching her play in her pool with the neighbors. Got everybody down for nap (kind of). Made lunch for me and DH, delicious chicken from Omaha Steak and salads. Then it was off to a focus group. This is where the M&M's came into play. We were in the middle of our session and they put this big bowl on the table with candy, rice krispy treats, cracker and pretzels. I wasn't really hungry, but hey free food, no free chocolate. I picked up the m&m's and was all set to dig in. Then I stopped and looked at the back of the package. They were worth 5 points! I'd done well all day. I had plenty of points for dinner and maybe even dessert. Then I decided it just wasn't worth it. I put them back in the bowl and played with my pencil instead. It seems like something really stupid, but I'm really proud of myself. I made it home and after fighting some traffic made dinner for the fam. Again, really proud of myself. Any other time this would have been a good excuse to have dinner out. But, we had some yummy pork chops on the grill, broccoli and sweet potato and apple casserole. Then we were able to go outside and let the kiddos play. So, now the night's just about over and I still have 6 points left to have a snack. Maybe some pretzels...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Why a blog? Why now? What to write about? In short, it's all about accountability. Creativity and writing are not my strong suits, but I need something that holds me accountable and lets me vent. I could use FB or some other site, but I don't really have the cojones for that. Over the years, I've joined Weight Watchers officially about 4 or 5 times and unofficially about 8 more. I've started and stopped many times. It works for me, but I have a tough time sticking with it. This time is different. This time DH is doing it too. He doing it really well. I'm so proud of him and the changes he's made. He's like a different person in some ways. However, after years of asking him to do this, I'm having an incredibly hard time getting on board. I can come up with a hundred excuses, but that's all they are, excuses. It doesn't matter that I'm tired or running around like a nut with the kiddos. I'll always be that way.

So, here's what it really boils down to: WINGS. I love me some buffalo wings. Specifically, I love the wings from Vince and Tony's. They call to me. Now, I realize that with WW I can eat whatever I want, but the thoughts of only eating a few wings instead of a dozen makes me kind of sad. Honestly, if it was up to me, I would eat wings every day. Maybe this is why I need to get on board and do the WW with DH.

The plan is to use this blog as a place for me to keep myself in check on a daily basis and maybe do some venting about my day to day life.